
Oriental rugs are a beautiful design element to bring into your home, but some people have trouble decorating with these rugs for one reason or another. It could be that they are overthinking things or maybe they are just trying to treat it like any other rug.

Regardless, a lot of rooms end up looking lackluster despite having a great rug. Below are a few tips you will want to keep in mind. One of the great things about oriental rugs, though, is that they can work with just about any style or theme. It’s often how you decorate around the rug that will make the difference.

Consider the Colors and the Patterns

When you are decorating the room and trying to tie the theme together, don’t forget what powerful role color plays. The rug is likely to be one of the main focal points of the room, which means its colors should play a role in the rest of the décor in the room. You will want to find complementary colors that can work for other décor items and even furniture, in some cases.

You will also find that pattern mixing can work well with these types of rugs. However, you don’t want to choose just any patterns, of course, you want to make sure that they still look good together. Also, the rug should be the main, largest pattern. The others should be limited to smaller accent items. Otherwise, the patterns could compete for attention.

Consider the Walls, as well as Runners

While most oriental rugs are going to be placed on the floor, you could also place one on the wall. This is often done with rugs that have beautiful and intricate patterns, for example. They are as much a work of art as any painting, and people want to display them.

You could also have runners in the hallways that lead into the room with the larger oriental carpet. If you do, it may be a good idea to have a similar or identical pattern and color.

Keep the Rugs Clean

Regardless of the style or theme, you end up using for your oriental rugs, you need to make sure they stay clean. While you can provide the basic maintenance that is needed, you will also want to connect with Green-Gen Carpet and Fine Rug Cleaning, which can provide a proper cleaning from time to time.

Keep in mind that not all carpet cleaning companies have the knowledge and experience needed to properly take care of these rugs. Green-Gen Carpet and Fine Rug Cleaning has been cleaning Oriental Rugs for the past 10 years.

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